``Those who in charity spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve``

Donate Today via PayPal using Credit Card/Debit Card
Other Donation Options
To Mail in Your Donation
- Make all cheques payable to Muslim Families Network Society.
- Specify “Zakat” or “General” in the memo area.
- For monthly donations void cheques are accepted.
- Mail to the following address:
Muslim Families Network Society
P.O. BOX 68256, 28 Crowfoot Terrace NW, Calgary, AB, T3G 2N8
Pay Using E-Transfer
- Send an e-transfer to muslimfamilysociety@yahoo.com
- Please include your name, full address and whether it is Zakat or General Donation in your comments and also send an email to muslimfamilysociety@yahoo.com with the information. Please include the unique e-transfer confirmation code, so it is easier for us to track.
PLEASE NOTE: 100% of your donations are eligible for Tax Deduction Receipts.
Muslim Families Network Society (MFNS)® is a Registered Charitable and non-profit organization (#880518402 RR0002) based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. All tax receipts will be emailed after the year-end (usually in January / February). For details on official charitable registered organizations, please visit Canada Revenue Agency: www.cra-arc.gc.ca/charities.