
``Those who in charity spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve``
-- Surah Al-Baqarah (Chapter 2) : Verse 274

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Other Donation Options

To Mail in Your Donation

  1. Make all cheques payable to Muslim Families Network Society.
  2. Specify “Zakat” or “General” in the memo area.
  3. For monthly donations void cheques are accepted.
  4. Mail to the following address:

Muslim Families Network Society
P.O. BOX 68256, 28 Crowfoot Terrace NW, Calgary, AB, T3G 2N8

Pay Using E-Transfer
  1. Send an e-transfer to
  2. Please include your name, full address and whether it is Zakat or General Donation in your comments and also send an email to with the information. Please include the unique e-transfer confirmation code, so it is easier for us to track.

PLEASE NOTE: 100% of your donations are eligible for Tax Deduction Receipts.

Muslim Families Network Society (MFNS)® is a Registered Charitable and non-profit organization (#880518402 RR0002) based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.  All tax receipts will be emailed after the year-end (usually in January / February). For details on official charitable registered organizations, please visit Canada Revenue Agency:

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